“Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.”
~ Mark Victor Hansen
Life is beautiful. There are a number of times in our lives that we achieve something and feel like we are on top of the world. Whether it is a graduation or the birth of a child, the feelings of accomplishment are overwhelming. These are probably the most appropriate time to use the word awesomeness.

The morning is May 4, 2008. It is a clear Sunday. A good day for running. I reach the start, my head phones in my ears. You may ask what is playing, but those of you who are familiar with my blog have already guessed it .... TOOL
I look down,

We make our way through Vancouver. As with most marathons, for some reason you have to go through China town. I am not really sure why.

As we crossed one of the bridges, you can see the city amongst the mountains. Breath taking....

Ahhh ... water stop ... I caught this dude by surprise. The water was much appreciated though.

Ah, there is nothing like running though a park. Out of the concrete jungle and into paradise.

Now at this water station I did not suprise her. Look at the smile.

Ok, this woman was at about the 16 mile point. I have never seen someone having so much fun by herself. She was just high on life, I guess. The only thing that would have made this better would have been a disco ball.

And back into the city we go. We are welcomed with a 1/2 mile up hill at mile 24. Nice .....

Ok, right about now the blisters on my feet were killing me. I came to a corner and this little guy was just cheering for us. Awesomeness ....

At this point, I can smell the finish. Foot pain, quad burn ..... irrelevant. It is the finish line.
So there you have it. It was a nice time. I hope you enjoyed it. It was total awesomeness.
Ok, four cellos rocking out with the singer from slipknot is also qualifies as total awesomeness.
“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be”
~ George Sheehan
Awesome, indeed. Rock on, Dr. Aki. This blog is terrific.
Couple of years ago I went into the ER needing emergency orthopedic surgery. Never met the surgeon til I woke up in my room, all done, doing great. The surgeon came in and sat down, talked a bit, drew some pictures on the blackboard, answered a few questions, then visted twice a day to check the incision. But what stunned me even in my post-anesthetic haze was that I knew this was the closest I'd ever been to such a consummate athlete. Great doc, too. When I went home couple of days later, went online and learned he's an Iron Man Tri-Athlete, which didn't surprise me. There was nothing self-conscious or exaggerated about his movements, just totally fluid. Very, very rare to see. Are most orthopedic surgeons so athletic? This was my first surgery, first hospitalization ever.
congrats! its always a nice feeling to cross the finish line and have that surge of endorphins. ;)
Awesome and inspiring, you make me want to get up and run!
Congrats. Vancouver is such a great town!
Awesomeness is right! That's fantastic! Great photos. Thanks for the Tool and Slipknot video's too...
This is great! What a nice post. It;s very inspiring!
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