If thou desire the love of God and man, be humble, for the proud heart, as it loves none but itself, is beloved of none but itself. Humility enforces where neither virtue, nor strength, nor reason can prevail.
~Francis Quarles
~Francis Quarles

I thank the residents for awarding me the Resident Teaching Award for 2008. I am particularly proud of this award.

Make Mine Trauma
Someonetc at Orthopaedic Residency. He cleverly incorporates everyday challenges and situations as a mirror into the challenges of training ortho residents as their attending. He is constantly striving for more creative, motivating and successful methods of teaching.Chrysalis Angel

Orthopedic Residency – This blogger actually found me one day, and I’ve been the one reading him ever since. Occasionally he disappears and then reappears out from behind his work and home life, balance is essential you know. I hope he comes back to write more often, I’m going to be especially interested in what he has to say now.The rules of this award are as follows:
- You have to pick five blogs that you consider deserve this award in terms of creativity, design, interesting material, and general contributions to the blogger community, no matter what language.
- Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
- Each winner has to show the award and give the name and link to the blog that has given him or her the award itself.
- Each winner and each giver of the prize has to show the link of “Arte y pico” blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
- To show these rules.
- Midwife with a Knife - This OB/GYN who specializes in maternal fetal medicine bring her insight about medicine, teaching, and life. Through her blog, she shares her personal struggles.
- Musings of a Dinosaur - This is a well written blog by #1 Dinosaur, a family practice physician. His wisdom and experience in both medicine and life permeates his writings.
Medical School of Hard Knocks - This is a relatively new blog started this year. It is written by a medical student, CSTEW. He bring his humorous insight in tho the medical student mind. Hurricane Jill - This former general surgery resident, future neurosurgeon, and now pharmacist consistently writes her humorouslyhonest prose about her day to day life and struggles. Crzegrl, Flight nurse - Crazygirl or Emily is an awesome flight nurse with a wicked sleeve. Her blog continues to evolve. She is a little crazy and maybe even zany. Her blog is no different. She is also military, Hooah.
Humility is the embarrassment you feel when you tell people how wonderful you are.
~Laurence J. Peter
~Laurence J. Peter
Congratulations on your Resident Teaching Award for 2008! How great! You were a perfect choice for the other award, too. See, two of us chose you. I'm glad you're back.
The Resident Teaching Award for 2008! Awesome, I know you are proud and definitely worthy.
Welcome back.
thanks for the award :)
I am so incredibly honored. Thank you! (have I mentioned how much I miss the ortho world btw?)
I think your blog is great, and I would like to feature you on the new Wellsphere. We feature only the best health bloggers on our WellPages, which are special pages that our Health Knowledge Engine crafts to give our users answers to their health questions. We would feature you on all the pages on topics that our knowledge engine finds are related to your blog postings. Because we have over 2 million visitors each month (and we are growing rapidly), you would benefit from an expanded audience for your writings. If you would like us to feature you, send me an email to Dr.Rutledge@wellsphere.com
Cheers, Geoff
Hi Dr. Puryear,
please excuse this unsolicited comment.
My name is Luca, along with my doctor friends we've put together a website dedicated to creating a social community, just for doctors, based on blogs.
Our origins are humble: we have only just launched the site but our goals are noble: we're not out to make money, just give the medical community something we feel it's lacking, i.e. a tool that allows doctors everywhere to benefit from the experience and ideas of colleagues from all over the world.
If you’re interested visit us at www.medbrains.net and you can contact me at luca.hurst@medbrains.net. If you did decide to join we’d be honored, and just so you know you could transfer your blog automatically.
well deserved
A very nice blog. As a returning adult student intending on a future new career in medicine, and possibly considering a career in orthopedics, I have been looking for "insider" perspectives on medical education and medical school. (BTW, I don't have a blog yet, but may someday.) Your writings and style remind me of another orthopedic surgeon that I used to know (also African American).
Thinking of you. Haven't forgotten you, and hope you get some time to enjoy the holiday season.
You are missed, my friend. I hope all is well with you.
Been a long time since we've heard from you, hope interview season is going well for you. Look forward to hopefully hearing from you soon.
Long time no hear from..hope all is well. On a side note.. i didn't get an interview from your program.... I was hurt! hehe
You're missed, ya know?
Nice Blog, i recently come to your blog through Google excellent knowledge keep on posting you guys.
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