“Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't, it is of no use.” ~Carlos Castaneda

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ok .. this was just kind of awesome ....

Ok .. this was just kind of awesome ....


Chrysalis said...

Yes, I saw this on Surgeon's blog a short time ago.

Anonymous said...

Hillary '08.....cant believe those who like him.

make mine trauma said...

Pretty powerful, regardless of which candidate one prefers.

MSHN said...

hey Dr. Someonetc. I'm a first year student and I had a question for you. Since I've thought about medicine, I've thought I wanted to go into orthopedics. But I'd really like to get "my feet wet" this summer to see if it is something that I'd like to do for the rest of my life (I want to start thinking early because it would seem to be a very important decision to make).

Here's my question: There are no externships set up in orthopedics in my home town, so I would have to contact doctors directly. How can I ask in a way that is not off-putting? In other words, most of the ortho docs are already training residents etc. so I was wondering (in your experience) what would be a good way of getting some experience without being too much of a hassle to the busy doctors. Also, what kind of orthopedic doctors should I pursue--for instance, should I shadow something like trauma that may have a lot of different procedures, or should I shadow a "general" orthopedist which would give me a better idea of what kind of day-to-day things an orthopedic surgeon does.

Thanks very much!

Anonymous said...

I like that I previously left a comment simply disagreeing with the fact that this video is "awesome" and suddenly it has been removed and thus censored. You bring politics to a discussion on orthopaedic residency training, then shut the door when someone has a mature and respectful, but different opinion. Wow, sir, very disappointing.

Someonect said...

chrysalis: didn't see that post. i'll have to check it out.

anon#1: this was really not a statement of like or dislike. just thought the video was cool. i do like the fact that there are 2 candidates that don't fit the typical mold.

MMT: agreed.

Bongi: what up my souther hemisphere dawg.

cstew: you know most orthodocs love to talk about what they do and are usually happy with their jobs. what i would do is find a local orthopaedic surgeon and ask if you can shadow him/her when you are on break. and i would look for a person that does general orthopaedics.

ANON#2: uh, i don't censor any of my comments. i have not removed any comments from this post. the last comment that i removed was a spam comment from Doushura on my last post. i am not really sure what comment you are talking about. people are entitled to their opinion. also this was just a video about politics not really a political discussion. if you felt censured, i apologize, but i did not remove your comment.

Anonymous said...

From Anon #2: Sorry, I thought I posted a comment, must not have saved it. Please ignore my previous comment.

Someonect said...

anon#2: no problem. that has happen to me on more than one occasion.